Program Overview

The Forum will provide a dialogue among emerging environmental professionals, covering a range of topics from networking and research to in-depth discussions about participation in ITRC project teams. The Forum will facilitate open communication, fostering professional development and the exchange of innovative ideas.

Program Benefits

Networking Opportunities with ITRC peers

Increase growth opportunities for the next generation of environmental leaders

Leadership opportunities for emerging environmental leaders on the Advisory Board

A collaborative space for sharing best practices and relevant information for emerging environmental professionals

Full access to ITRC products and documents as well as the ability to provide feedback on product development and team formation

Membership Details

  • Membership is free for all ITRC members
  • Program membership is focused on environmental professionals who are in the early stages of their career, new to their organization or the environmental community, or those pursuing an advanced academic degree
  • All members are required to be a member of ITRC in good standing, and involved in at least one Active ITRC Team. Learn more about membership and how to join ITRC here


  • Participate in monthly forum discussion meetings and offline discussions
  • Listen and engage in discussions and share information with the EEL network
  • Provide input to guide the EEL’s activities and advance ITRC’s strategic direction

Forum Registration

The forum meetings and documents will be facilitated through Microsoft Teams.

If you are interested in being a member of the forum, please reach out to Taylor Voelkel,

Taylor Voelkel

Project Manager