Industry Membership

About the Industry Affiliates Program

The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) is a state-led coalition of regulators, industry experts, stakeholders, academia, and federal partners that work to achieve regulatory acceptance of innovative environmental technologies. ITRC is working to break down barriers and reduce compliance costs, making it easier to use new technologies and helping to maximize resources. ITRC brings together a diverse mix of environmental experts to broaden and deepen technical knowledge and advance the regulatory acceptance of environmental technologies. Together, we’re building the environmental community’s ability to expedite quality decision making, while protecting human health and the environment.

ITRC welcomes you to its Industry Affiliates Program (IAP). Establish your organization as a key force in improving the use of innovative environmental technologies and processes.


  • Forecast important technical and regulatory developments through access to all of ITRC’s project teams and technical trainings
  • Co-author new guidance documents and materials, working alongside regulators and other environmental experts
  • Establish valuable connections in the environmental community
  • Register to attend annual meetings for in-person workshops, networking and publicity

View full IAP Brochure

Membership Details

Here are a few details about membership of the IAP program:
  • Membership is per calendar year or half-year
  • IAP dues are based on the company’s total number of employees worldwide
  • To keep the size of the teams manageable, ITRC recommends no more than two individuals from a company or trade association actively participate on a team
Join the Industry Affiliates Program

Additional Benefits

Platinum Member: Large logo/acknowledgment on ITRC website; annual presentation to ITRC Board of Advisors; free registration at our annual meeting (full year); advertising via, social media, and in-person ITRC meetings

Gold Member: Large logo/acknowledgment on ITRC website; and two free registrations for employees at our annual meeting; advertising via, social media, and in-person ITRC meetings


Membership Dues

Company Standard Member Rates:

  • 1-5 Employees: $275.00
  • 6-19 Employees: $550.00
  • 20-49 Employees: $2,750.00
  • 50-74 Employees: $5,500.00
  • 75+ Employees: $8,250.00

Trade Association Standard Member: $5,500
Company/Association Gold Member: $15,000
Company/Association Platinum Member: $25,000

Contact Us

IAP Liaisons

David Tsao

Jeremy Musson

ITRC Director

Charles Reyes

Platinum Members

Gold Members

Standard Members

Listing of logos is for purposes of acknowledging private sector membership and support and does not constitute an endorsement of any organization or its products. ECOS, ERIS, ITRC, and member organizations do not intend to endorse nor attempt to determine the merits of any specific proprietary technology or process.