Passive Sampling Technology Update

Team Lifespan: January 2023 – December 2024

Diffusion-Passive-Sampling-logo-v1__1_.pngAfter 20 years, it’s time to review the four ITRC Guidance Documents developed on Diffusion/Passive Samplers. These documents were originally developed to encourage the appropriate use of passive sampler technologies in groundwater monitoring programs and as a replacement for existing volume purge sampling systems. ITRC’s Passive Sampling Technology Update Team will review and update the four existing ITRC documents with an emphasis on new technologies for passive sampling, media differences, sampling devices, and device limitations/advantages. Case studies will be included to help transition to passive sampling appropriately, bring confidence to the science and enable more sustainable management and monitoring of sites.



In 2001, ITRC developed four Guidance Documents on Diffusion and Passive Samplers, noting that “if we provide the information, then acceptance will come, facilitating the nationwide use of these devices under appropriate conditions, because it is a cost-effective means of collecting a formation quality groundwater sample, that can improve states’ ability to protect human health and the environment.”  A little over 20 years later, many policies remain biased towards purge sampling and require side-by-side justification for the use of passive sampling, which can often take years. ITRC’s Passive Sampling Team will build on the previous Guidance documents to reflect recent advancements and provide a road map to use passive sampling efficiently and confidently for groundwater sampling.


Team Leaders

Crystal Pirozek