Project Duration: January 2025 – December 2026
What is the problem?
Underwater Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) can be found in both fresh and saltwater bodies such as ponds, rivers, lakes, canals, intercoastal waterways, harbors, and the ocean. The Department of Defense (DOD) has identified over 450 underwater munitions response sites covering more than 10 million acres in both coastal and interior States and Territories. The science and technology to address underwater munitions is rapidly evolving and guidance on the detection, classification, characterization, recovery, and disposal of these MEC is needed. More information can be found in the Team Project Proposal.

What is the solution?
This Project Team will develop materials to assist agencies meet cleanup goals, better characterize data gaps, and reduce environmental and human health hazards. The Team will develop a technical guidance document, fact sheets, and training materials to:
- Inform federal and state agencies on the status, applications, limitations, and quality control considerations of each technology
- Promote best practices for selection and use of underwater munitions response technologies
- Examine the applications, limitations, and quality control considerations of each technology at example sites using available CSM information
- Create a framework for federal and state regulators to assess available underwater munitions response technologies
Team Leaders
Kyle Newman
Nichole Osuch
Program Advisor
Cherri Baysinger