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Project Duration:  January 2025 – December 2026

What is the problem?

Traditional and renewable energy production requires the management of both new and legacy waste streams that contain materials and compounds that may be harmful to the environment and human health.  Managing the increase of waste from these energy sources will create significant financial challenges to states and their communities.  Environmental impacts will need to be mitigated while also considering costs, capacity, community impacts, and sustainability of final remedies. Read more in the Team Project Proposal.

What is the solution?

This Project Team will develop guidance and outreach that compiles resources and best management practices for addressing waste from energy production sources.  This will include recycling potential, beneficial reuse options and technologies, remediation methodologies and mitigation of risks to human heath and the environment.  The Team will also assess the status of current regulations in place regarding renewable energy and other energy production waste disposal, recycling and/or beneficial reuse options.

Team Leaders

Shannon Suggs

Program Advisors