Guidance & Documents

ITRC publishes and produces guidance documents and training courses that help state environmental agencies and others gain valuable technical knowledge and develop consistent regulatory approaches for reviewing and approving specific technologies. These include technical overviews, case studies, and technical and regulatory guidance documents. See the latest ITRC Product List, Updated in January 2024, for a list of all of ITRC's published products. 

These documents are written and reviewed by teams of environmental professionals, including state and federal environmental regulators, federal agency representatives, industry experts, community stakeholders, and academia. All ITRC documents undergo a rigorous external review, and all external comments and team responses are captured and posted to the team ITRC Connect community. ITRC will consider a lack of response during the 45-day external review period to signify no serious objection to the content within the product.


Knowledge Map

ITRC's QUEST Knowledge Map is an interactive tool for navigating ITRC's environmental guidance documents and resources, allowing users to filter through ITRC's vast library based on concise subjects.

Guidance Documents
147 Entries
2 months ago

Microplastics are ubiquitous in our environment and pose one of the biggest emerging threats to the global environmental community. The science surrounding microplastics, their potential health effects, and knowledge of their fate and transport is very new and ongoing, with research articles being published at a rapidly accelerating rate. Even techniques and best practices for sample collection and analysis of these tiny particles and fibers are still very much evolving

Our Microplastics Team created this toolkit as a companion to the ITRC Microplastics Guidance to help regulators and others explain issues surrounding microplastics to a variety of audiences. The toolkit includes general information on outreach along with fact sheets, presentations and other outreach items aimed at different audiences. Materials are targeted toward the general public, the regulatory and scientific community, and decision makers in a variety of sectors.


9 months ago

ITRC's new MAR Guidance provides a basic understanding of MAR and its applications through the presentation of:

  • A model of the MAR process illustrating the four key components of MAR and their interaction.
  • An overview of the applications of MAR and its role in addressing climate change impacts through sustainability and resilience in water resources management.
  • Information on the key components of MAR and the critical considerations for each component in the design of a MAR project.
  • Case studies illustrating the various applications of MAR.


9 months ago

The ITRC CEC Framework is comprised of a white paper and four associated fact sheets. These materials were developed to help environmental regulatory agencies and other stakeholders identify examples of CEC monitoring programs; evaluate potential hazard by systematically applying key CEC characteristics; communicate real and perceived risk from CEC to the public; and understand how laboratory analytical methods can be used in the identification process.

CEC are defined in this resource as: “substances and microorganisms including physical, chemical, biological, or radiological materials known or anticipated in the environment, that may pose newly identified risks to human health or the environment.”

CEC require a clear technical approach on how to identify and evaluate them while acknowledging uncertainties in their environmental fate and transport, receptor exposure, and/or toxicity. Such an approach can be conducive to improved allocation of regulatory response resources and provide a foundation for communicating potential risk to stakeholders.



9 months ago

The ITRC EtO Team has compiled information from a range of interested parties to develop this interactive guide, including state and federal governments and industry. This resource is intended to inform interested parties about important regulatory developments; technical issues surrounding sampling, measurements, and analysis; and effective communication of EtO-related issues.

EtO is used in the manufacturing process to make products (e.g., antifreeze, plastics, adhesives), to sterilize products (e.g., single-use medical devices, wound care dressings), to fumigate and eradicate pests from some foods (e.g., spices), and can be a by-product of anthropogenic activities.

EtO is a flammable, colorless, and reactive gas that is listed as a hazardous air pollutant under the Clean Air Act. Inhalation is the primary route of human exposure to EtO. The World Health Organization, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and other health agencies categorize EtO as a human carcinogen.


10 months ago



This Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) online document includes the PFAS Technical and Regulatory Guidance Document, PFAS Fact Sheets and Explainer Videos, Training Module Videos and external tables of data and information prepared by the ITRC PFAS Team. The document is designed specifically to support state and federal environmental staff, as well as others (including stakeholders, project managers, and decision makers), to gain a working knowledge of the current state of PFAS science and practice. The web-based nature of this document lends itself to updating of key information in this rapidly evolving subject. It is the intention of ITRC to periodically update the document as significant new information about PFAS develops. The guidance document can be downloaded as a PDF.


one year ago

Capping is a commonly selected approach for the remediation of subaqueous contaminated sediments. This guidance provides a framework for the design, construction, and long-term monitoring approach for the chemical isolation function of sediment caps. It is intended for regulators, stakeholders, consultants, responsible parties, and owners of contaminated sediment sites where sediment capping has been selected as a remedy.

As a supplement to the ITRC’s 2014 Contaminated Sediments Remediation guidance document, SD-1 provides more details regarding the design, construction, modeling, and long-term monitoring and maintenance of the chemical isolation. 


one year ago

Groundwater extraction and treatment (aka Pump & Treat or P&T) is not a new remediation technology and is widely used for the cleanup of contaminated sites. Remedies utilizing P&T need to be evaluated, optimized, and adapted to changing site conditions throughout their life cycle - not just at the startup of these systems - to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the remedy, maintain or improve receptor protection, ensure adequate maintenance, reduce cost and liability, reduce the environmental footprint, and improve resiliency to environmental changes.

ITRC's Pump & Treat Optimization guidance provides an understanding of adaptive management as a key to optimization and presents a technical framework for conducting optimization efforts at P&T sites, along with interactive checklists for detailed evaluation and optimization guidance as well as supporting case studies of project implementation.


one year ago

Microplastics (MP) are ubiquitous in our environment and pose one of the biggest emerging threats to the global environmental community. The science surrounding MP, their potential health effects, and knowledge of their fate and transport is very new and ongoing, with research articles being published at a rapidly accelerating rate. Even techniques and best practices for sample collection and analysis of these tiny particles and fibers are still very much evolving. ITRC's Microplastics Team has synthesized the available information on MP into a single comprehensive guidance document.


one year ago

ITRC's Hydrocarbons Training Team (Effective Application of Guidance Documents for Hydrocarbons Sites) has developed new tools and training to address data gaps that occur from reviewing multiple source files on this topic. This training site builds upon the information presented in three popular ITRC Guidance Documents: Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL), Petroleum Vapor Intrusion (PVI), and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) Risk Evaluation. 


one year ago

There is a greater need to store, manage, and interpret environmental data for effective decision-making in today's ever-more complicated world, and the demand for accurate, reliable, and accessible data from state regulatory agencies and other organizations is only expected to grow. ITRC's Environmental Data Management Best Practices guidance documents are designed specifically for state, tribal, and federal environmental staff, as well as others (including stakeholders, project managers, and decision-makers), to gain a working knowledge of best practices for environmental data management (EDM). The document was developed by a team of over 400 environmental practitioners drawn from state and federal government, academia, industry, environmental consulting, and public interest groups.

These Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) online resources include Fact Sheets, Subtopic Sheets, Checklists, Case Studies, Interactive Tools, and Supporting Documents prepared by the Environmental Data Management Best Practices (EDMBP) Team. Links within the online document help the reader locate interrelated topics. The web-based nature of this document lends itself to updating key information in this continually evolving subject.

