Climate Workgroup

Project Duration: January 2024 - December 2024

About the Workgroup

The Climate Workgroup will be tasked with assembling interested ITRC community members to review current climate resilience and adaptation resources and knowledge to identify gaps and opportunities for ITRC.

Why are we doing this?

In 2022-2023, several States through ERIS’s Biennial Survey identified specific issues of concern, and in 2022, ECOS launched a new Climate & Energy Workgroup to identify best practices and strategies for climate resilience. ITRC has also received several project proposals identifying the need for an ITRC project on a wide-range of challenges related to climate resilience and adaptation.

The Workgroup will convene for no more than one year and develop recommendations and project proposals for ITRC to consider for future projects.

Team Leaders

John Bystra

Shannon Suggs

Program Advisors

Charles Reyes

Devin Seckar