About the Resources
The ITRC Sediment Cap Update team supplemented the 2014 ITRC Contaminated Sediments Remediation Guidance with a new Technical Guidance document, supported by online training, that incorporates recent advancements, new information, and more details on key design considerations of capping design and monitoring, as well as examine cap impacts from extreme weather events. The guidance produced by the team will facilitate greater consistency and efficiency in completing cap designs, including monitoring plans.
Dredging alone is often costly, unsustainable, and insufficient at achieving remediation action objectives for contaminated sediments. As a result, the use of engineered caps is a widespread approach to achieve the remediation objectives either in conjunction with removal or as a standalone solution. Sediment capping is a containment technology that involves isolating contaminated sediments from the surrounding aquatic environment using a clean layer of geological material and or synthetic liners (FRTR, 2020). Sediment Caps are effective long-term if they are physically stable and provide sufficient chemical isolation to achieve remediation goals. For sediment caps to remain effective long-term, there needs to be a clear guidance on the key aspects and activities of design. Currently, the technical guidance for key design activities is insufficient, outdated, or is represented across a collection of varied literature that are collectively incomplete in covering key aspects.