About the Resources:
Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR) is the site-specific employment of products, processes, technologies, and procedures that mitigate contaminant risk to receptors while making decisions that are cognizant of balancing community goals, economic impacts, and environmental effects. An integral aspect of GSR is the Conceptual Site Model (CSM) which synthesizes and summarizes what is already known about a site that is pertinent to decision-making requirements in the future. As weather events become more frequent and extreme, resiliency to extreme weather affects a site’s CSM.
Team Background:
Released in 2012, the ITRC GSR Guidance document was a fresh look at how to best manage environmental assessment and remediation. After seven years, environmental professionals learned many lessons that needed to be captured and shared to allow more effective implementation of GSR. In addition, resiliency to extreme weather events and wildfires began to play a more significant role in the planning process. The Resiliency Team focused on updating the ITRC GSR guidance document to bring the frameworks, tools, and implementation strategies necessary to further support the acceptance of GSR principles and resiliency strategies and produced an associated Internet-Based training course. The updated guidance document and new fact sheets include topics such as: integrated vulnerability and GSR assessment and adaptation strategies, disaster preparedness, rehabilitated land, technical and regulatory barriers and opportunities, and best management practices developed by the states.